Planned Giving

Longtime Supporter David C. Eckert Includes KMF in Estate Plan and Encourages Others to Give

David C. Eckert

When I first began making donations to the “C” Club, it was not with any goal like this; but as we saw what the KMF was doing at the KU Cancer Research Center and had a part in dedicating the Kansas Masonic Cancer Research Center at KU, I became more enthused with its mission. 

However, with Brenda being a 42-year educator, the Masonic Literacy Center and goal of helping 50,000 children across Kansas improve their reading skills was the emphasis that motivated us to expand our vision as to what we could do to improve the lives of Kansans. I have never been wealthy, and I am not today. No matter how large or small our estate might be, if you want it to go to family, KMF, or somewhere else, you need to do some dedicated planning. 

Individually, if each Mason saves only $1 per day for a year or $365, it is not much. But if 18,000 Masons do that together, it becomes $6,570,000. How a little planning can become great things. You must be committed in your goal. While I actively contribute to KMF today, I have also included the KMF in my estate planning.


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